It's the best of both worlds - homeschooling and classroom time with other teachers/students. Tara C., Westminster Parent

The community has been warm, welcoming, and committed to providing quality instruction from elementary through high school. Ellen F., Westminster Parent


Westminster is a Christian academy, with all subjects taught from a Biblical worldview. Westminster connects homeschooled students with teachers in specific subject areas while enabling parents to continue home educating their children through high school. We provide classroom education for homeschool students.

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We seek academic excellence under the lordship of Christ, within an administrative structure that enables parents to direct their child’s education, in a community where each person is treated with the utmost respect.

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Westminster Academy began in the fall of 1994. A group of homeschooling parents met with a common need of tutor support, particularly in higher level subjects. Westminster established a Christian academy and the parents chose a 2 to 3 day per week schedule with teachers providing instruction, and the majority of the course work being completed at home. 

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